A coffee beyond the stars

Alien Coffee emerges not just as a coffee brand, but as a beacon of unity and representation.

We stand as the banner for those aliens, the different, the misunderstood; offering not just a product, but a cause and a sanctuary.

Every label supports a cause

At Alien Coffee, our mission extends far beyond simply offering exceptional coffee. For every label sold, we pledge to donate half of the profits to support a cause or project that aligns with the inspiration behind the label.

By subscribing to a monthly delivery of any of our product lines, you gain more than just a steady supply of outstanding coffee. You'll also receive exclusive access to our Discord server, which serves as a vibrant virtual café. Here, you have the opportunity to actively participate in selecting the projects or causes that will benefit from our donations.

Together, we can make a difference, one cup at a time.

Support a cause

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Causes and projects


Reading Pathways

The goal of the "Reading Pathways" program is to ensure that all boys and girls over the age of 10 with educational delays overcome literacy barriers, learning to read and write efficiently.

This approach is aimed at reducing learning poverty in the country, ensuring that every young person, regardless of their situation, has the opportunity to acquire essential skills for life and learning.

Learn more


Open Cause

Join The Cosmic Espresso and help us choose a game seeking funding, a tournament or an artist that deserves the funds.


Book Publishing

Help us publish a book; with your help, we will select a great story and pay for the printing and publication of the book.


Anchored in the immensity of Laniakea, at the heart of the Virgo Supercluster, from the Orion Arm of our native galaxy, the Milky Way, we make Earth, our home, an interdimensional meeting point. This small blue planet, the home of the only known coffee in this dimension, becomes the center of our mission.

Our commitment to excellence is unwavering. We offer specialty coffee, whose flawless traceability ensures its distinguished origin. Each bean, selected with meticulous care, surpasses 80 points on the cupping scale, a promise of unparalleled quality, and is honored with a medium roast that enhances its unique character.

Guided by the ethical principles of the Interdimensional Galactic Council (IGC), we ensure that every producer is treated with dignity and receives fair compensation. Respect for those who cultivate the land and provide us with this gift is fundamental at every step of our process.

The mastery of roasting is in the hands of multidimensional beings known as Don Rogelio Café, true artisans of time and space who have perfected the art of extracting the essence of each bean through unique roasting curves, ensuring an unprecedented organoleptic experience.

Aware of our impact on the environment, our packaging, although not without a footprint, is designed to be resealable, promoting reuse and reducing consumption. Every action counts in our effort to harmonize with our surroundings.

Alien Coffee is more than a brand; it is a community open to collaboration, a space where innovation and entrepreneurship thrive. We invite all beings from all dimensions to join this movement: welcome to this alien collective, where every cup of coffee is a bridge between worlds, a symbol of hope, and a gesture of intergalactic solidarity.

Together, under the banner of Alien Coffee, we celebrate the diversity of the cosmos, sharing the richness of unparalleled coffee, in a community united by difference, inclusion, and a love for coffee.